Tattoo Ticket


This is the official permission ticket to allow someone to get a tattoo of one of my existing artworks. First of all, I’m very honored! I get a lot of inquiries asking for tattoo permission, and the answer is almost always yes! I ask that you do the following:


  • Please share a photo of the tattoo with me afterwards, I’d love to see it!
  • Credit me if posted publicly.
  • Purchase this ticket! I support myself entirely through my artwork, so this little bit of support means the world to me and allows me to spend more time making art!


Purchasing this ticket grants permission for one-time use of one artwork in a tattoo. No modifications may be made to the artwork except by the tattoo artist in order to translate the artwork to suit their technique and style. Artwork may not be used for commercial purposes or for any other purpose without express written permission from the Artist. No other reproduction rights are transferred, Zara Alfonso retains all rights to the artwork.

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